Michaelis-menten model
properties of enzyme,
8 8
8 8
Michaelis-Menten equation, 89
Michaelis-Menten expression
linear plots for, 91
Michaelis-Menten kinetics, 111,
2 1 1
, 226
Micro-ELISA plate, 184
Microangiopathy, 514
M ic ro co ccu s lu teu s,
Microfibril, 178
-microglobulin, 808
/3-microglobulin, 821
Microsomal glucose transport protein, 277
Microsomal phosphate transport
protein, 277
Microsomal phosphate/pyrophosphate
transport protein, 277
Microsomes, 374
Microtubule-associated proteins
(MAPs), 482
Microtubules, 453, 481
drugs, 483
Microvilli, 199
Mifepristone (RU-486), 801
Milk, 193,213
Milk intolerance, 212
Milk sugar, 297
Mineralocorticoid pathway, 705
Mineralocorticoids, 711,749
Minerals, 873
Minimum daily requirement, 903
Minor groove (in DNA), 525
Misfolding of polypeptides, 60
Mismatch repair, 556
Mismatch repair and méthylation
of DNA, 556
Missense mutation, 559
Mitochondria, 233, 282
genetic code, 572
glycolysis, 225
mammalian tRNA, 573
uncoupling of, 224
Mitochondrial diseases, 268
Mitochondrial DNA, 250
Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy lactic
acidosis (MELAS), 269
Mitochondrial energy states, 263
Mitochondrial genotype, 266
Mitochondrial isoenzyme of AST, 123
Mitochondrial myopathy, 268, 478
Mitochondrial proteins, 267
Mitochondrial termination factor, 268
biogenesis, 267
DNA, 266
deletions and duplications, 270
expression of, 267
electron transport system, 252
energy-linked functions of, 263
genome, 266, 269
transport of acyl-coA to, 367
morphology of, 248
myopathies, 269, 270
structure and properties, 248, 257
Mitotane, 707
Mixed acid-base disturbances, 938
Mobilities of a-chain mutants on citrate
agar electrophoresis, 958
Mobilities of
-chain mutants on citrate
agar, 959
Modifier (ligand), 111
Modulator (ligand), 111
Molar ellipticity, 56
Molecular chaperones (chaperonins), 60
Molecular immunology, 803
Molecular mimicry, 170
Molybdenum, 893
Molybdenum (Mo6+) ion, 108
Monellin, 146
Monensin, 317
Monoamine oxidase, 761
Monoamine oxidase (MAO), 763
Monoclonal antibodies: diagnostic tools
therapeutic agents, 819
Monoclonal gammopathy, 950, 953
Monocytes, 304, 808
Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGD), 321
Monomorphic, 534
Monomorphic genes, 534
Mononuclear phagocyte system, 304
Mononuclear phagocytes, 271
Monooxygenases, 273
Monosaccharide transport system, 211
Monosaccharides, 133
L-configuration, 143
physiologically important
derivatives, 139
Montelukast, 398
Motilin, 203
Motility systems
actin tubulin, 453
a-motor neuron, 462
Mouse leukemia, 35
Mouth, 197, 198
Mrf4, 455
mRNA (messenger RNA)
early and late, 598
mRNA regulation, 593, 594
MSH1.MLH2, 612
MSH, 516
a-MSH, 714
MtDNA defects, 266
MtDNA repair mechanisms, 267
MtDNA tRNA mutations, 269
MtTFA, 268
Mucin, 198
Mucolipidosis, 186
I-cell disease, 581
se e
Mucopolysaccharidoses, 187
Mucopolysaccharidosis type II, 187
Mucosa, 199
Mucosal I cells, 208
Mucus, 219
Multidrug resistance (mdr) transporter, 220
Multienzyme complex, 110
Multifocal motor neuropathy, 322
Multiple myeloma, 554
multiple carboxylase deficiency, 925
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type II, 767
Multiple endocrine neoplasias, 607, 885
Multiple myeloma, 554, 953
Multiple sclerosis, 13, 827
Muramidase (lysozyme), 141
Murein, 191
Muscle, 148, 278, 286
activation of, 466
cross-bridge cycling, 466
excitation/contraction coupling, 464
energy supply in, 468, 475
fatty acids, 218
glycogen synthase, 286
inherited diseases, 476, 478
skeletal, 339, 454
smooth and cardiac
regulation of, 472, 475
Muscle contraction, 289, 464
mechanism, 468
Muscle development
factors, 455
Muscle fibers
organization and properties of, 462,
463, 468
Muscle glycogen, 283
Muscle glycogen metabolism
regulation of, 289
Muscle Na+,K+-ATPase activity (j
2), 767
Muscle protein, 278
Muscle systems, 454, 464
Muscle-cell membrane, 289
Muscular dystrophy, 478
Muscularis externa, 199
Musculoskeletal system, 180
Mutagen, 559
DNA, 559
Mutagenic chemicals, 545
Mutarotation, 137
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